The Scone Also Rises – Fleet River Bakery (Holborn, London)

Jam and Cream Scone

I had to guess about the type of scone, because it was modestly listed as just ‘scone’ in the café.  However, any categorization for this scone other than simply ‘sugar’ is probably misleading.  Also, before I go further, I should note that the jam on this scone is allowed per my reviewing code of conduct (it was applied before purchase).

This scone offered an interesting predicament: how to eat it.  I prefer my hands as a means to shovel a scone into my mouth, beginning with the corners and moving inward.  The dimensions and precarious construction of this monstrosity precluded such an approach.  None too pleased, I was forced to resort to the use of a fork.  The loss of convenience pushes this scone clearly into the category of dessert, a conclusion any blind man with a half decent sense of smell, working taste buds, and at least partially functioning salivary glands could determine from a single bite.

The cream was tasty and likely handmade.  The jam was topnotch, creating an interesting mix with the thick cream that was somewhat similar to the flavor of strawberry shortcake.  From top to bottom, the scone presented decent crunch.  The use of quality ingredients was evident.  Powdered sugar at the top was a nice touch.  Unfortunately, the scone quickly devolved into a massacre, which offered no satisfactory plan of continued attack.  I fought vehemently, but it required real work to conquer.

While tasty enough, this scone is entirely unsustainable.  I am certain that this is the first and the last time I will have it.  Still, I enjoyed it while it lasted.  The one night stand of scones; thanks for the memories.



3 thoughts on “The Scone Also Rises – Fleet River Bakery (Holborn, London)

  1. Excellent review! Is it possible to evaluate the relative quality of the scone, controlling for the presence of jam and cream? Perhaps you should utilize a comparison scone that you have already scored and consume it with the same jam and cream. As such, you might be able to determine the jam and cream adjusted score, assuming that the jam and cream affects both scones in the same manner. Of course, this assumption is problematic and would require, at a minimum, some type of theoretical justification. On the other hand, you could simply list this score with an asterisk for performance enhancement, assuming the impact is beneficial. May the scone be with you!


    • It is true that I could partially control for the jam and cream by using the same condiments each time I consume a scone, or some other workaround. However, carrying around jam and cream would not only be rather cumbersome and odd (what am I, a scone eccentric?), it would defeat the very purpose of the entire enterprise. I am eating the scones as the baker intended them to be. I do not dip into coffee; I do not adjust the scones whatsoever. I consume the scones ‘immutabilis.’ If I began to alter the scones, where does it end? My job is not to enjoy the concoctions as much as to understand them. It is impossible for my presence to not impact the scones in some way, but the aim is to limit this bias whenever possible. When I understand the scones at their truest essence, unaffected by my presence, I will have done my job well. Regardless, I appreciate the input.

      Live long and prosperously eat scones.

      – DANG


  2. immutabilis is a lovely word but it’s application in the case of an item that is designed for temporal and indeed transitory experiential consumption argues instead for consideration of a substitute, perhaps, naturalis. Yours, a friendly copy-editor.


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